Tuesday, June 2nd
Today we get to go home!! Very exciting but very scary at the same time. I had not even been out of the hospital room the whole time so I was eager to get up and get going. David and I were still exhausted but felt more rested since the nurse took Trey for several hours so we could rest. We were also very anxious as today Trey was having his circumcision this morning. Seems odd they do the circumcision the day you leave the hospital. Its not as if we have not been through enough already and then BAM- we are going to do this to your little boy and then send you home! Good luck. Fortunately Trey did great and slept pretty much the whole day. He didn't even realize he had his first wheelchair ride, elevator ride, car ride, or introduction to the outside world. It was extremely HOT outside today so David and I were ready to get him home and out of the heat. Once we arrived home, my mom was there to greet us. She had picked up the house and was cooking dinner. She even bought me a beautiful orchid for being a new mommy. I guess my adrenaline was really going today so I did not even take a nap. I have really need to get better on this nap thing when Trey naps. We are so glad to be home and hope the rest of the week is very successfull with our new little man!!
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