Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our 38 week appointment

Time sure flies when you are having fun!! We cannot believe that we are 2 weeks out from Trey's due date. It is absolutely a miracle to think this beautiful human has been growing inside of me for almost 9 months and will soon enter our crazy world. David said to me on Sunday night that he wishes I would go into labor this week! I stopped real quick asking him why. His answer was because he is just ready for Trey to get here. I thought that was so sweet. I am lucky to have a husband that is so willing to do whatever is needed and is SO excited about the birth of his first born. Well needless to say we are not in labor YET but we are also not through the week. Wednesday, May 13th was our 38 week appt. This was a BIG day as the doctor checked to see how exactly I was progressing. Well the news is in and I am dilated 1 cm and 70% effaced. I am definitely having Braxton Hicks but nothing that has shown any real consistency or anything that leads me to believe I am in REAL labor. Time will tell as to how I change and progress. Stay tuned!! Oh and yes you better believe we drove through Krystals afterwards!!!

I know you can't tell in the above picture but I was fortunate to not have any weight gain this week either.

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