Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trey's first week of life documented! Day 1

Day 1- Sunday, May 31st.
David Michael Youell III (TREY)
Born 8:09 a.m.
7 lbs, 8 oz
20 inches long

Trey had a great first day of life today. In addition to his Memommy being present at his birth and his Nana Honey, Papaw and Aunt Devee being there, many people came to visit Trey today including his Aunt KaKa and Uncle Joel who drove in from Murfreesboro, Aunt Amber and Uncle James with cousin Karlee who drove in from Clarksville (they were visiting James' family), Uncle Kevin and Aunt Can Can and Kevin's mom Shirley. David and I both were so exhausted from being up all night and were trying to just figure everything out. We started breastfeeding today and Trey did fairly well with it. We also had a milestone as David changed his very first diaper EVER. And it wasn't just any diaper- Trey pooped and David did great changing him. Once he was all cleaned up and David was about to put the clean diaper on, Trey gave Daddy a surprise and started pooping again!! It was great!I was not able to hold him very much today as he was being passed around alot so that evening I was able to bond with my little man and just be with David which was very nice. Sunday night Trey was getting ready to go to sleep in his crib in our room and he spit up a little. David and I looked at each other with a nervous look thinking how were we ever going to be able to sleep but luckily we made it through the night and the nurse was gracious to take Trey for a couple of hours so we could get some sleep. First time we were able to sleep after being up for over 24 hours. Being a parent is an instant fulfillment. Who ever thought you could love someone so much. David and I are so blessed to have the support of one another and the blessing of Trey.

When Trey's ready, he is ready!!!

After our Friday dr. appt, I was feeling quite bummed so David and I decided along with my mom to do something fun on Saturday and get out of the house. Saturday, May 30th we headed to Sevierville to see David's parents. We did a little shopping- David had to get his 2 new suits fitted, I went to Carter's and picked up Trey a couple of things, walked around Five Oaks alot, went to Belk's twice, went to the grocery store, and went back to David's parents house. KiKi and Travis came over and we grilled out steaks, ate baked potatoes, and salad. I ate way too much (more than normal) and was exhausted. We arrived back in Knoxville around 10:30 p.m. Mom rubbed my feet and back and then I went to bed for a good 30 minutes shortly after 11 p.m.!! Then all the fun began. I woke up thinking David was shaking- but nothing, I checked to see if my water had broke- but nothing. Then I felt a different kind of contraction. I woke David up as I had to get out of the bed. I went and told mom who had not been asleep at all. At this point the contractions were 10 minutes apart and quickly went to 5-6 minutes apart. We left for the hospital around 1:30 a.m. Thank goodness not many people were on the interstate. Even in the midst of my pain I had to tell David to slow down. Once we arrived at the hospital I was 2 cm and in consistent pain. Around 3:30-4 a.m. I was given the epidural- THE BEST THING EVER- and was able to relax. At that point I was super exhausted but knew I had to save my strength. I progressed quickly for my first pregnancy and things were good to go around 7 a.m. but doctors had to tend to another patient. After not much pushing, Trey entered this world at 8:09 a.m. weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz. and 20 inches long! They were able to get him out quickly as the cord was around his neck! Before he was even out he was crying! He is absolutely precious and David and I just adore him. We are so thankful for all the prayers and happy that Trey is healthly. God is good!! More to come soon. Going to feed a hungry little boy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Trey just is not ready yet!!

It has been a couple of weeks since I last posted as I was hoping my next post would be about the birth of our son!! Well our little guy is just not ready to make his appearance quite yet and to say I am anxious and uncomfortable is an understatement. As of today, we are three days past due, still dilated at 1 cm, cervix is thinned out, and making about 75 trips to the restroom per day!! David and I went to the doctor on Tuesday, May 26th (Trey's official due date) and on Friday, May 29th for follow up visits. Today we had a non-stress test on the baby and an ultrasound. We are thankful and happy to report that Trey is doing just fine. So great in fact he is just not ready. He is estimated to weigh 7 lbs, 7 oz (plus or minus a pound). His fluids are great as is his heartrate and breathing. I am so blessed he is doing well but SOOOOO ready for him to get here. Everytime I stand up I feel he is going to fall out!! HAHAHAHA!! Our next step in the process is an induction. We are planned to induce on Wednesday, June 3rd if he has not made his entrance yet. My hope is I will go before then on my own but we shall see. Stay tuned to the Life of David, Carrie and Little Man! And many thanks to everyone who has given us so much support and encouraging words. We greatly appeciate it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Casey and Amy come to visit

This past weekend David and I were able to get some things done around the house. I was also treated to a manicure and pedicure (no ugly nails allowed in the hospital). In addition Amy and Casey drove up Saturday afternoon from Chattanooga to see us and to visit for a little bit. We had a great time and laughed alot as usual. Kevin and Candace came down also and we all went to dinner!! El Charro Mexican is a Knoxville favorite of David and I so we take alot of people there. Kevin and Candace love it too so it all worked out!! Sunday I slept in- we missed church though- but the sleep was much needed. I was able to purchase some last minute picture frames for Trey's nursery and then we went to Sevierville for lunch!! Yum Yum- Aunt Karen's chicken 'n dumplins!!! I am a sucker for southern cookin!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Trey has new clothes- compliments of Caitlin!

David and I received plain white onesies as a gift and suddenly my creative mind started going as to what I could put on each of them. With the help of Hayley, Kaitlin, Caitlin, Dena, Allie and Lindsay (The Panhellenic Recruitment Team at UT) we came up with ideas for Caitlin to embroider on Trey's onesies. Caitlin works at a monogramming shop in the mall that her family owns and was kind enough to do this for us. While Hayley lost out on the color GOLD I think she was pleased with what we came up with!! I absolutely love the personalized stuff and hope you do to!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our 38 week appointment

Time sure flies when you are having fun!! We cannot believe that we are 2 weeks out from Trey's due date. It is absolutely a miracle to think this beautiful human has been growing inside of me for almost 9 months and will soon enter our crazy world. David said to me on Sunday night that he wishes I would go into labor this week! I stopped real quick asking him why. His answer was because he is just ready for Trey to get here. I thought that was so sweet. I am lucky to have a husband that is so willing to do whatever is needed and is SO excited about the birth of his first born. Well needless to say we are not in labor YET but we are also not through the week. Wednesday, May 13th was our 38 week appt. This was a BIG day as the doctor checked to see how exactly I was progressing. Well the news is in and I am dilated 1 cm and 70% effaced. I am definitely having Braxton Hicks but nothing that has shown any real consistency or anything that leads me to believe I am in REAL labor. Time will tell as to how I change and progress. Stay tuned!! Oh and yes you better believe we drove through Krystals afterwards!!!

I know you can't tell in the above picture but I was fortunate to not have any weight gain this week either.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I get to celebrate Mother's Day too!!

On Saturday, May 9th, my Mom or should I say Memommy now came to visit David and I. She stayed 2 nights with us so we were able to spend Mother's Day together with David's family in Sevierville. Mom brought me some of my baby clothes and my baby blanket which I hope Trey can use (it is gender neutral). We went to church on Sunday and heard a great message and then headed to Sevierville for a cookout at David's parents house. The day was relaxed and I enjoyed celebrating with David, my mother, and mother-in- law. I received some very nice cards that definitely made my heart smile and I will greatly cherish as I celebrated my 1st Mother's Day!!

When we returned home Sunday evening, David was back to work again putting together a Little Lamb swing the collegiate chapter and alumnae chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at UT gave us as baby gift!! Mom had to offer assistance as she helped put one of these together for Aunt Julia and Miss Charlotte! We can't wait to put Trey in his swing!!

A big shopping day!!

This past weekend David and I did some last minute shopping and prep for Trey!! Babies R Us and Target here we come!! We started out Saturday morning at 10:07 a.m. to visit the car seat checkpoint. We wanted to make sure everything was in place and installed correctly for our little bundle of joy!! After navigating Knoxville for 45 minutes around some race we made it to the location. We sat literally in the car with everyone else in Knoxville in the rain for 2 1/2 hours before we were able to get checked. It was well worth the wait though! We actually learned some things and now we are ready for Trey to be stylin in his car seat Aunt KaKa, Aunt Amber, and Aunt Jodi, Aunt Morgi and families gave Trey!

Afterwards David and I were on a shopping spree. We picked up the pack n play, paci, changing pads, nursing supplies, diaper genie, etc. you name it we had it on the list!! David has seen his challenges with putting all this stuff together. We now have a new appreciation for parents around Christmas time and birthdays in navigating through directions!! Saturday night David was exhausted- the pack n play did him in!! But really we wouldn't have it any other way becuase it is all for TREY!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Trey goes to the baseball game

Last Friday, David and I went to the UT vs. South Carolina baseball game with KiKi and Travis!! Kristen is a HUGE USC fan (her alma mater) and Travis bleeds orange so that always makes for lots of fun!! Between $1.00 hotdogs and beautiful weather we were able to see several homeruns and a grand slam. We left the game early and went to Cancun's to hang out!! I opted for water on the rocks while the other three had a few cold beers on the patio with chips, salsa and cheese dip. I have had one REALLY BAD epsiode of heartburn and indigestion after eating lots of salsa so I steered clear of the salsa but definitely enjoyed the cheese dip!!

Here is a picture of David and I at the baseball stadium last weekend!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Youell Obsession

I think we have started a new tradition and I think I could submit this for a Krystal's story!! Since I have started going to the doctor every week now, I tend to have my appointment around lunch time. David and I are always hungry afterwards so we frequent the local Krystal in close proximity to the hospital. We both have always carried a special place in our heart for KRYSTALS!!! Even in college when we would leave Murfreesboro to drive to Sevierville we stopped by our other girlfriend, Krystal, on the way out of town. That is what we referred to Krystals for some reason. Well being pregnant has not changed my love for the cheese Krystal and for the past three weeks straight we eat Krystals after we go to the doctor. I must not fail to mention that when I have been to dr. appts by myself and head back to work it was not uncommon for be to swing through the drive-thru and get one to go!!!
The picture above is me at 37 weeks and the Krystal box is in honor of Aunt Adelaide and her Davenport family!!

The nursery furniture arrived and we went to the DR!

I have been ON EDGE about the remainder of our baby furniture arriving in Franklin, Tennessee. We ordered this furniture in January and for the past couple of weeks I have been calling USA Baby to find out where in the heck is our armoire! Luckily David had picked up the crib in February so we were able to get the bedding in order. We were told April 27th the furniture would be shipped out but no one could tell us when it would arrive. To our surprise Tennessee has had rain rain and more rain so the question remained- Once the furniture arrived would it ever clear up for us to pick it up. On late Friday afternoon, May 1st we recieved a phone call from USA Baby the armoire had arrived!! Praise the Lord. We may have this nursery completed before Trey arrives. David watched the forecast and we had a clear radar on Tuesday, May 5th. He was so awesome to drive to Nashville and pick up the furniture, check on the Murfreesboro house (and he cut the grass), drive back, have Kevin Moon come over and help him unload the furniture, and move a couch to my office that the students bought from me- All in a days work!! He was definitely ready for a Cinco de Mayo Corona after all that!! He then spent all last week putting furniture together and has become a real handy man around the house!

On Wednesday, May 6th we had our 37 week appt. This week we met with Dr. Shirk. He is a super nice man and is always willing to answer any question we have. My strep B test came back negative, I am measuring right on target, and Trey's heart rate continues to be in the 140s. We feel super blessed in so many ways and hope you will enjoy taking a look at the pictures of David's work. I really cannot take credit for this at all!!