Monday, May 11, 2009

I get to celebrate Mother's Day too!!

On Saturday, May 9th, my Mom or should I say Memommy now came to visit David and I. She stayed 2 nights with us so we were able to spend Mother's Day together with David's family in Sevierville. Mom brought me some of my baby clothes and my baby blanket which I hope Trey can use (it is gender neutral). We went to church on Sunday and heard a great message and then headed to Sevierville for a cookout at David's parents house. The day was relaxed and I enjoyed celebrating with David, my mother, and mother-in- law. I received some very nice cards that definitely made my heart smile and I will greatly cherish as I celebrated my 1st Mother's Day!!

When we returned home Sunday evening, David was back to work again putting together a Little Lamb swing the collegiate chapter and alumnae chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at UT gave us as baby gift!! Mom had to offer assistance as she helped put one of these together for Aunt Julia and Miss Charlotte! We can't wait to put Trey in his swing!!

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