Day 1- Sunday, May 31st.
David Michael Youell III (TREY)
Born 8:09 a.m.
7 lbs, 8 oz
20 inches long
Trey had a great first day of life today. In addition to his Memommy being present at his birth and his Nana Honey, Papaw and Aunt Devee being there, many people came to visit Trey today including his Aunt KaKa and Uncle Joel who drove in from Murfreesboro, Aunt Amber and Uncle James with cousin Karlee who drove in from Clarksville (they were visiting James' family), Uncle Kevin and Aunt Can Can and Kevin's mom Shirley. David and I both were so exhausted from being up all night and were trying to just figure everything out. We started breastfeeding today and Trey did fairly well with it. We also had a milestone as David changed his very first diaper EVER. And it wasn't just any diaper- Trey pooped and David did great changing him. Once he was all cleaned up and David was about to put the clean diaper on, Trey gave Daddy a surprise and started pooping again!! It was great!I was not able to hold him very much today as he was being passed around alot so that evening I was able to bond with my little man and just be with David which was very nice. Sunday night Trey was getting ready to go to sleep in his crib in our room and he spit up a little. David and I looked at each other with a nervous look thinking how were we ever going to be able to sleep but luckily we made it through the night and the nurse was gracious to take Trey for a couple of hours so we could get some sleep. First time we were able to sleep after being up for over 24 hours. Being a parent is an instant fulfillment. Who ever thought you could love someone so much. David and I are so blessed to have the support of one another and the blessing of Trey.