On Saturday, April 4th, the sorority women held a shower for me in the AOII suite!! I could not have asked for better weather nor could I have asked for such a wonderful shower!! I can't wait to see all the pictures the women took as I only have a few. The past Panhellenic Presidnet Kristina, the current Panhellenic President Hayley, and the Panhellenic graduate assistant Dena were the hostesses of the shower and invited exec members, advisors, and chapter presidents. Trey's Memommy and Nana Honey were also in attendance (mom had eye surgery 2 days earlier)! We had wonderful food prepared by the ladies, opened presents, and played an interesting game with baby food! I am going to have make sure I am selective with Trey's baby food. Let's just say that broc, carrots and cheese are not the most tasty!! Trey received his first UT outfit that he will wear during orange and white night of recruitment and received many nice gifts from so many generous people!! He also received an cute little AOII panda and "an AOII loves me" onesie from the ladies of AOII. I am most grateful for everyone's encouragement and enthusiasm centered around Trey's entrance into the world!! We are going to have lots of babysitters to give him lots of attention and love!
You look so cute Carrie!!! I'm glad your shower went well. I can't believe he is going to be here so soon! love you!
Aunt Amber!
Please David..Say no to the UT outfit.Your better than that.
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